Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Heart To Heart With God

How can I love, when it hurts so much to lose

Time and time again ,I tell my heart not to

Why can I not go through life

With a heart of stone

No love given, no love shown

Heart, why don't you listen to me

I told you not to love, hurt you would be

Now you sit here broken in two

See what happened, where it got you

Yes that is true, am hurting today

But if I walk through life

Without love, am dead anyway

There would be no God up above

He would not have sent

His only begotten Son through His love

It’s true my child because of love

I sent my Son from Heaven above

It broke my heart but this, also true

I sent Him down to die for you

Without my love you are but dead

But alive again because He bled

And broken hearts He came to mend

That’s why to earth He did descend

So I know my child of great loss

As I watched my Son die on a cross

But know this my child I freely give

My Son to death that you might live

Yet through my power He arose on high

So trusting Him you would not die

I gave no heart that’s made of stone

It’s meant to love just like my own

With sorrow’s ways it will contend

It will get broken, heal and mend

To love and lose these things shall be

But your heart will always belong to me

2009 Patricia A Moore…Colin S Moffett

May 7 2009

Small Wooden Cross


Sitting quietly looking at the tree
Everyone asleep except for me
Thinking, is this all that we see

There among the twinkling lights
Hung a small wooden cross
Through my mind flew the thoughts
The meaning of Christmas is such a loss

We let our minds wander
To parties, presents and such
Why aren't we thinking of Baby Jesus
Is that asking too much

When He lay in the manger
He was thinking of you and me
That's why He was crucified
So all the world would see

You can't say His name
In courthouses, schools and stores
But Christmas without Christ
Is not Christmas anymore

God forgive us, for we have sinned
Help us put Christ
Back in Christmas again

Thank You Jesus, for the gentle reminder
Thank You Jesus, for letting me see
As I sit quietly looking at the tree
And the small wooden cross !!!

2007 Judy L Wilson
Patricia A Moore
Gerti M Blackwell

This poem came about on my family website, we often write together. I will start it off and different members will come back and write a line or two . We have written several children stories like this. Try it, its fun !

Unworthy Of Your Love

I'm unworthy
Of Your love dear Lord
There's nothing I can do
To make myself good enough
To deserve love from You

I feel like the man in scripture
Who couldn't raise his head
With so much sin
And guilt upon him
He smote his breast instead

How in the midnight hours
I think about my day
And the sickness of sin
Tries it's best to settle in
I try my hardest to pray
And i don't know what to say

Thank You God for Your Word
For in my mind I heard
Have mercy upon me O' Lord
As I kneel, in dismay
Create in me a clean heart, O'God
Cast me not away

A broken and contrite heart
O' God , Thou wilt not despise
So I bow down before You
With downcast eyes

And ask forgiveness
Of my sins today
For I am just a sinner
Unworthy In Every Way !!

2008 Patricia A Moore
Judy L Wilson